The Training Process


 The goal of the consultation is to map out a plan to further your SUCCESS.

  • First step is listening to your concerns. Hearing what you’ve gone through with your dog will help Adam get an idea of what is going on.

  • Second step will be evaluating how your dog acts, when you’re not physically present. This will give Adam a more accurate read on the dog.

  • Third step, Adam will explain his observations to you, making sure you fully understand them.

  • Fourth and finally, together, we will implement a training plan to resolve the issue, either with my help or on your own.

Adam helps with ALL dog problems. Think: crate training, scared of water, basic obedience (jumping, manners, bad habits, leash walking, learning specific commands etc.) to more serious issues such as aggression towards food, people, or other dogs.

Training Sessions

For Dogs, learning in new environments and around new people poses as a hurdle. Before we hurdle, we must walk, and then run. Same for your dog, which is why Adam’s proprietary training techniques are brought to the convenience of your home!

Adam offers:

  • Single-Session Training- For more straightforward cases. 1.5 Hours of personal training with ADAM per week.

    Meeting at your home space, Adam analyzes the situation and provides you with a custom training session tailored to your dog.

  • Bi- Weekly Training- For intermediate cases, where more consistency is needed to provoke the desired results. 3 hours of personal training with ADAM per week.

  • K9 Bootcamp- For the most severe cases of canine dysfunction. One full week of training with Adam. Allows the highest level of attention. 5 days. 4 hours a day. For a total of 20 hours a week.

  • “EXPRESS Session”- For those who are in a crunch for time or need to conserve their resources.

Three Dogs